Sally M. Thomas教授
Sally M. Thomas 博士是英国布里斯托大学教育学院教授、布里斯托大学SOE测试与评估研究中心主任和许多研究项目的主要负责人。她有着25年以上的高校学术研究经历。自2017年以来,她担任英国经济和社会科学研究基金会项目评审专家。她曾是伦敦教育学院国际学校效能与改进中心的创始人和副主任,还先后任教于牛津大学和伦敦政治经济学院。
她的学术成果甚丰,涵盖了国内外教育质量的各个方面,包括寻找和验证学校和组织的效能、探寻影响学校改进的各种因素、指标和过程尤其是她对学校效能的“增值”评价进行了广泛而深入的研究,并将之用于不同目的的研究之中,包括:学校改进,学校外部评估和自我评估,国际质量指标和基础理论研究等。她的研究兴趣包括进一步探索学校教育,学习过程和教育成就,包括学生,家长和教师态度,学术和职业评价,公民身份,正式和非正式的学习和行为。她担任主编之一的专著包括2018年由Routledge 出版的《教育评价在拉丁美洲》,2013年由SWETS出版的《教育评估和监测:系统方法》,以及2015年由Routledge出版的《国际教育效能手册:研究,政策和实践》。
Dr. Sally M. Thomas is Professor at the School of Education and Director of the SOE Centre for Assessment and Evaluation Research. She has conducted and led academic research studies for 25+ years. Since 2017, she has been the member of UK Economic and Social Science Research Grants Assessment Panel. Previously she was an Associate Director and founding member of the International School Effectiveness and Improvement Centre at the London Institute of Education and has also worked at University of Oxford and the London School of Economics.
Her main publications are on different aspects of educational quality, which have examined a variety of factors, indicators and processes related to school and institutional effectiveness and improvement. In particular she has carried out extensive research studies on ‘value added’ measures of school effectiveness and the application of these measures for different, or overlapping, purposes including school improvement, school evaluation and self-evaluation, international quality indicators and academic knowledge-base research. Her research interests include exploring further the processes of schooling and learning as well as a range of educational outcomes including pupil, parent and teacher attitudes, academic and vocational measures, citizenship, formal and informal learning and behavior. Publications include two co-authored book Educational Assessment in Latin America (2018) and Educational Evaluation and Monitoring (2015); A Systemic Approach’ published by SWETS (2003) and a Chapter in the 2015 The Routledge International Handbook of Educational Effectiveness: Research, Policy and Practice.
In addition, she has conducted and attended a series of international cooperation projects in the field of education and research with Chinese educational research institutions and governments. She has been hired as the Visiting International Expert by East China Normal University and as the Visiting Professor by Shenyang Normal University. Sally’s key research projects in collaboration with National Institute of Educational Sciences include projects Improving Teacher Development and Educational Quality in China and Improving Educational Evaluation and Quality in China.
Sally M. Thomas