The Center of Teacher Development is the key research institute co-supported by National Institute of Educational Sciences and Hangzhou Normal University since 2010, growing out of the Research Center of Educational Sciences in Hangzhou Normal University established in 2000. The center bases on the key discipline (A Class ) Curriculum and Instruction and the provincial key base The Base of Teacher Education in Hangzhou Normal University. The research interests of the center include the theory of teacher development, policy and practical research, particularly about the teacher action and curriculum, teacher’s survival and development , teacher’s learning and improvement. Currently the center as 31 researchers, including 6 full-time HZNU researchers , 14 part-time HZNU researchers, and 11 part-time researchers from National Institute of Educational Sciences. Among them 18 are full professors, and 20 are associate professors and doctor degree holders.
The aim of the Center of Teacher Development is to provide pedagogical service for local teachers, to conduct research on the critical issues and problems taking place in the process of curriculum reform,to offer instructional guidance and training, and to facilitate the exchange among teachers. The center also strives to help teacher design and plan their professional career, answer their questions about subject teaching, improve the teaching skills and methods, create the platform for mutual communication, collaboration, technical support and resource sharing. Now the center has undertaken one key project of National Social Science Foundation in education, three projects of National Social Science Foundation in education, eight projects of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, ten key projects of the Nation Science Education Project Plan, and other 20 provincial projects.