Qian Xuyang
Xuyang Qian, is an associate professor of the School of Education at Hangzhou Normal University and a visiting scholar at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She earned her doctorate from East China Normal University in 2012, with one year of research experience at British Columbia University of Canada during 2010-2011. Her research interests include integrated curriculum studies, place-based learning, and embodied understanding. She has done/participated in various research projects such as developing the National Curriculum Guideline for Integrated Curriculum of Practical Activity, classroom culture change in the digital age, evaluation of teachers’ professional development, etc. She is currently conducting funded studies to explore embodied curriculum, place-based learning, Maker-based learning and children’s identity shift in the digital age. She serves as a committee member at the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS), Curriculum Reform Committee of Basic Education in Zhejiang Province, China.
Research Areas: Integrated curriculum studies, Place-based learning, Chinese children’s identity shift in the digital age
E-mail: qxy0927@126.com