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学术预告:Face Processing in Infancy and Its Implications for Later Cognitive and Social Development

来源 : 学科办     作者 : 学科办     时间 : 2023-02-26点击量157

主  题Face Processing in Infancy and Its Implications for Later Cognitive and Social Development

主讲人加拿大多伦多大学教授  Kang Lee(李康)博士

时  间:2023228日上午9:30-11:30

地  点:诚园6-306会议室


Early experience in childhood plays a crucial and formative role in cognitive and social development. To understand human development in a lifespan, one must study what kind of experience people have early in life and how they influence their development. In this talk, Dr. Lee will use the development of face processing in infancy to illustrate how children’s early perceptual experience in their environment plays an important role in shaping their abilities to see the world and interact with them.


Kang Lee(李康),加拿大国家一级讲席研究员;加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)人类发展与应用心理学系教授;中国海外杰青获得者。

李康教授是国际著名发展与教育心理学家,致力于通过心理学和认知神经科学手段研究儿童道德社会化、种族态度,以及婴儿面孔认知等方面的心理与神经机制。在具有较高国际影响力的主流刊物上发表论文320多篇,被引接近25000次,H因子达83;美国专利11项中国专利1项;担任国际权威期刊《发展科学》、《实验儿童心理学》, 《应用发展心理学》的编委和《儿童发展》的顾问编委。

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