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来源 : 韩怡斐     作者 : 韩怡斐     时间 : 2024-09-04点击量1



     黄佳丽 讲师


       邮   箱jialih@hznu.edu.cn



黄佳丽,女,河南焦作人,心理学博士,杭州师范大学经亨颐教育学院讲师。主要研究方向为青少年心理健康及其家庭影响机制,包括青少年创伤后心理问题及其家庭机制、中小学校心理健康教育、困境儿童及其家庭的心理韧性等。在国内外有影响力的SSCI/CSSCI收录期刊上发表科研论文近二十篇,包括《Development and Psychopathology》《Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy》《Journal of Counseling Psychology》《Trauma, Violence, & Abuse》等国际权威期刊。中国心理学会会员、浙江省心理学会会员,任《Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy》《应用心理学》等期刊审稿人。








1. Huang, J., & Zhou, X. (2021, July). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction in Victims: Between-Gender Effects. International Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic.

2. Huang, J. L., & Xu, W. (2018, November). The relationship between conscientiousness and PTSD among young Chinese firefighters: The mediating effect of perceived social support. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 34rd Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, USA.


1. 国家社会科学基金一般项目(23BSH075),“重大灾难后社区心理服务模式的构建与实践研究”,参与,2023.09-2026.06

2. 浙江大学学科交叉预研项目,“重大灾难后中小学生心理危机干预的家-校-医整合模式的探索与构建”,参与,2022.04-2024.03

3. 国家社会科学基金一般项目(20BSH167),“重大灾难后青少年心理康复的家庭机制研究”,参与,2020.09-2023.02

4. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(BK20190702),“家庭抗逆力对重大疾病人群身心健康的影响与干预研究”,参与,2019.07-2022.06

5. 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目(2018SJZDI206),“外来务工人员子女抗逆力及其影响因素:一项基于江苏地区的追踪研究”,参与,2018.09-2020.09


1. 2021.10. 少年创伤后应激症状的代际影响:一个多重中介效应的检验. 第二十三届全国心理学学术会议. 内蒙古, 中国.

2. 2021.07. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction in Victims: Between-Gender Effects. International Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic.

3. 2021.07. 新冠”疫情下高校教师工作-家庭冲突与创伤后应激症状的关系:压力感知、心理需要满足和反刍的作用. 中国心理学会临床心理学注册工作委员会第七届大会. 上海, 中国.

4. 2020.11. 父母创伤后应激症状对教养行为的影响:从家庭系统视角出发. 长三角. 心未来第二届会议. 上海, 中国.

5. 2019.10. 流动儿童抗逆力、情绪调节策略对学业自我概念的影响:一项追踪研究. 第二十二届全国心理学学术会议. 杭州,中国.

6. 2019.03. 消防官兵逃避的应对方式对创伤后应激障碍和工作倦怠的影响:社会支持的中介作用. 中国心理学会心理学与社会治理专业委员会(筹)首届学术年会会议论文集. 南京, 中国.

7. 2018.11. The relationship between conscientiousness and PTSD among young Chinese firefighters: The mediating effect of perceived social support. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 34rd Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, USA.



1. Huang, J., & Zhou, X. (2024). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among parents and adolescents following typhoon lekima: Examination of the mother-daughter sex matching effect. Development and Psychopathology, 36(2), 709-718.

2. Huang, J., & Zhou, X. (2024). Posttraumatic stress disorder and spousal relationships in natural disaster victims: A longitudinal study. Journal of Mental Health,1-9.

3. Huang, J., Levin, Y., Bachem, R., & Zhou, X. (2023). Gender differences in posttraumatic stress symptoms, marital satisfaction, and parenting behaviors in adults following Typhoon Lekima. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1037/tra0001563

4. Huang, J., Chen, N., Cai, Y., Yin, J., & Zhou, X. (2022). Work–family conflict and posttraumatic stress symptoms among college teachers during the COVID‐19 pandemic. PsyCh Journal, 11(6), 895-903.

5. Huang, J., Li, X., Zhao, J., & An, Y. (2021). Relations among resilience, emotion regulation strategies and academic self-concept among Chinese migrant children. Current Psychology, 42(10), 8019-8027.

6. Huang, J., Li, X., & An, Y. (2021). The mediating role of coping in the relationship of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSS) and job burnout among Chinese firefighters. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94(2), 243-250.

7. Huang, J., Wang, X., Li, W., & An, Y. (2019). The relationship between conscientiousness and posttraumatic stress disorder among young Chinese firefighters: The mediating effect of perceived social support. Psychiatry Research, 273, 450-455.

8. Yang, X., Huang, J., Wu, X., & Zhou, X. (2023). Internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescents following an earthquake: Codevelopment and temporal association. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 70(2), 223-233.

9. Wang, X., Huang, J., Yang, X., Liu, Z., & Zhou, X. (2023). Trajectories of parental posttraumatic stress disorder and children's mental health following super typhoon lekima: The mediating role of feeling of safety. Journal of Adolescence, 95(8), 1590.

10. 依拉木江·阿布都艾尼, 徐子纯, 黄佳丽, 周宵.(2023).大学生童年创伤经历与复杂性创伤后应激症状之间的关系:人际信任和反刍的作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, (1), 235-240+120.

11. Zhou, X., Huang, J., & Zhen, R. (2022). Intergenerational effects of posttraumatic stress symptoms in family: The roles of parenting behavior, feelings of safety, and self-disclosure. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(9), 2782-2800.

12. An, Y., Huang, J., Yeung, E. T. F., & Hou, W. (2022). Academic burnout and posttraumatic growth predict trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms of adolescents following Yancheng tornado in China. International Journal of Stress Management, 29(2), 143-153.

13. Ye, Y., Li, Y., Jin, S., Huang, J., Ma, R., Wang, X., & Zhou, X. (2022). Family function and post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

14. Chen, Y., Li, X., Chen, C., An, Y., Shi, J., Huang, J., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Influence of avoidant coping on posttraumatic stress symptoms and job burnout among firefighters: The mediating role of perceived social support. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 16(4), 1476-1481.

15. Sun, R., Qi, J., Huang, J., & Zhou, X. (2021). Network analysis of PTSD in college students across different areas after the COVID-19 epidemic. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1), 1920203-1920203.

16. Zhao, J., An, Y., Li, X., & Huang, J. (2021). After experiencing a tornado: Adolescents’ longitudinal trajectories in posttraumatic growth and their association with posttraumatic stress symptoms. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 54(3), 786-795.

17. Sun, X. R., Li, X. H., Huang, J. L., & An, Y. Y. (2020). Prevalence and predictors of PTSD, depression and posttraumatic growth among Chinese firefighters. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 34(1), 14-18.

18. An, Y., Huang, J., Chen, Y., & Deng, Z. (2019). Longitudinal cross-lagged relationships between posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in adolescents following the Yancheng tornado in China. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(7), 760-766.

19. Du, J., Huang, J., An, Y., & Xu, W. (2018). The relationship between stress and negative emotion: The Mediating role of rumination. Clinical Research and Trials, 4(1), 1-5.

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