
在一切困难面前,有一个原则是有用的:你想去做某一件事,但又没有十分把握,最好的办法就是坚定信心。In the face of all difficulties, there is a principle that is useful: you want to do something, but you are not sure. The best way is to have firm confidence.——Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald

来源 : 学工办     作者 : 学工办     时间 : 2020-03-22点击量139

在一切困难面前,有一个原则是有用的:你想去做某一件事,但又没有十分把握,最好的办法就是坚定信心。In the face of all difficulties, there is a principle that is useful: you want to do something, but you are not sure. The best way is to have firm confidence.——Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald

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