言语容易,行动困难。行动是生活的实质,言语是生活的装饰。盛名在行动中延续却在言语中消亡。Words are easy, but actions are difficult. Action is the essence of life, and speech is the decoration of life. Fame continues in action but dies in words.——Baltasar Gracián
来源 : 学工办 作者 : 学工办 时间 : 2020-03-22点击量89
言语容易,行动困难。行动是生活的实质,言语是生活的装饰。盛名在行动中延续却在言语中消亡。Words are easy, but actions are difficult. Action is the essence of life, and speech is the decoration of life. Fame continues in action but dies in words.——Baltasar Gracián