Abstract: China has witnessed a considerable expansion of private higher education institutions (HEIs) over the last two decades, and research has shown that teacher leadership is an essential aspect of providing quality higher education. This study proposed a model to explain teacher leadership and the factors that contribute to it in private HEIs. A sample of 4,152 participants responded to an 11-item questionnaire using a 5-point scale designed to measure three variables: teacher leadership (TL), teacher self-efficacy (TSE), and teacher competency (TC). The results showed that the three variables were valid in explaining teacher leadership and the factors that contribute to it. Hypothesis tests revealed that both hypotheses were supported. Finally, the results revealed that teacher self-efficacy and teacher competency are both significantly associated with their leadership. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings and the scope for future research are discussed.
Keywords: Teacher leadership; teacher self-efficacy; teacher competency; Chinese private higher education institutions; empirical study
Published journal: SAGE Open (SSCI) First Published March 17, 2021