Abstract: At present, school bullying incidents frequently occur, attracting increased attention fromresearchers. In this study, we attempt to explore the impact of parenting styles on perceived schoolnon-physical bullying. Four hundred ninety-two students in the fifth and sixth grades of eightprimary schools in Zhejiang province were surveyed. To control any potential confounding factors, arandomized sampling survey method was used to distribute questionnaires. The results showed thatnegative affect experiences, negative coping styles, negative family parenting styles, and the perceivedschool non-physical bullying were all positively correlated with each other (p < 0.05). Perceived verbalbullying differed significantly by gender, grade, and only/non-only children (p < 0.05). Perceivedrelationship bullying significantly differed between grades (p < 0.05). The gender difference inperceived cyberbullying also reached a significant level (p < 0.05). The rejection parenting stylewas shown to be an important factor that may be associated with students’ perceived school nonphysical bullying; it was observed to be directly associated with students’ perceived school nonphysical bullying and indirectly associated with students’ perceived school non-physical bullyingby influencing negative affect experiences and negative coping styles. In conclusion, negative affectexperiences and coping styles may have a chain-like mediating effect between the rejection parentingstyle and students’ perceived school verbal bullying. Moreover, negative affect experiences mayhave a partial mediating effect between the rejection parenting style and students’ perceived schoolcyberbullying, relationship bullying, and non-physical bullying total scores. This study providesfirst-hand empirical data support for schools, families, and education authorities to guide and managenon-physical bullying incidents in schools. They also provide a theoretical basis for subsequentrelated research in the field of non-physical bullying.
Keywords: perceived school non-physical bullying; rejection parenting styles; negative affect
experiences; negative coping styles; mediating role; China
Published journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19 May 2022